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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 154
Tipo Anno accademico Titolo Autore file(s)
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2023/2024 A blueprint for double materiality assessment KARIMOV, ELMAR
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 A Flexible and Efficient Approach for Key Information Extraction KUANYSHKEREYEV, FARKHAD
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2021/2022 A Livesync extension to integrate an even-driven architecture in Apache Syncope CRESCIA, VALERIO
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 A Logs Based Verification Tool of Serious Games Targeting Autistic Children ROHMAH, ARINI NUR
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 A smart barcode-based approach for reducing consumer food waste MANELLANGA, RAJITHA AYESHMANTHA
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2020/2021 A tranducer-based method for the automated synthesis of protocol mediators BABEL, SAHIL
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2023/2024 Advanced Machine Learning Techniquyes for Analyzing and Modelling Human Computer Interaction in Kongsberg Maritime's Remote Operation Center ADHIKARI, KABITA
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2023/2024 AI(ML & NLP)-driven mapping of sensor data to standard classes: reducing resource consumption and emissions NAEEM, ROSHEEN
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2018/2019 Algorithms for three-dimensional bin packing: the Arcese-Syncreon case GAROFALO, SAMUEL
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2019/2020 Algorithms to control RNA sub-structure stability in optimal protein synthesis D'ASCENZO, ANDREA
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 Algoritmi di compressione dati con antidizionari GENTILE, FABIO
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2023/2024 Aligning AI systems with corporate sustainability and CSR strategies: Providing Actionable Insights and Guidelines for Enhanced Integration SELVARAJ, JONATHAN THANGADURAI
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2018/2019 Analisi bioinformatica di dati da pazienti affetti da mielofibrosi BIANCHI, ANDREA
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 Analisi degli attacchi avversari e meccanismi di difesa per i sistemi di rilevamento delle intrusioni basati sul deep learning nelle Software-Defined Networks PALATHUMVEETTIL JAGADEESAN, ASWIN
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2023/2024 Analisi delle prestazioni della recente evoluzione del parallelismo basato su thread in Python SFRATATO, GIACOMO
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2022/2023 Analysis of software migration from a sustainability perspective: an exploratory case study of Elisa Viihde ABBASI, ABDUL QADIR AHMED
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2021/2022 Analysis of ultrasound images of the heart for the determination of epicardial adipose tissue in patients with cardiovascular risks. PATRA, PAYEL
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2018/2019 Applicazione di Strumenti Model-Driven per la Configurazione di Sistemi Ferroviari PICHILLI, LORENZO
Laurea magistrale (Postgraduate Degree) 2018/2019 Applying AlphaGo-like reinforcement Learning to Awari: What can we learn? MARIOTTI, DAVIDE
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 154
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